Thursday, July 24, 2008

Is Socialism already here under our radar?

Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, October 28,1785: "Why don't you set the monarchy aside, and choose a President instead of a Queen?" It's funny how some historians consider Thomas Jefferson a liberal. But anyway, you look back through history he was all about states and individual rights and fought it until the very end. The closer the government is to the people the better it will be. There is a reason it says WE THE PEOPLE in our constitution. They weren't just like hey Ben, George and John lets make the first three letters at 72pt font and the rest at a 12pt font. I will say it again WE THE PEOPLE, the government is not the answer, contrary to popular belief.

What do people do when their fed up? What do they get when they are hungry? What do they get when they just blame there problems on others? They get Hitler, they get Mussolini and they get Lenin. And with that said we come back to what Thomas Jefferson said, "Why don't you set the monarchy aside, and choose a President instead of a Queen?"

Jefferson knew there were Monarchists hiding in the Federalist party much like I believe there are Socialists hiding in our current Democratic party. Socialism is essentially letting everything being run by the government and the next step is Communism. I'm well aware that might sound a bit out there. Just watch and see the truth slip up. Some of them are already here.

In Marxist theory by definition: Socialism is the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles. The definition of collectivism is: the political principle of centralized social and economic control, esp. of all means of production. Social? Does universal healthcare ring a bell or redistribution of wealth? Check out what Maxine Waters has to say. We are already on our way to Socialism (think economic control when you watch this)


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Youtube is blocked at my workplace so I am unable to watch the video until later so all of my comments will be based solely off the blog in it's entirety. Socialism hmmm I would have to agree that yes, the government is headed toward socialism and I would even take it a step farther to say its been on its way for years. The U.S. was founded by many great men who ideally wanted its priorities to be to the people not the government yet this is not the case. Because I love definitions let me share another with you. State: A state is a political association with effective sovereignty over a geographic area. The name of our nation, The United States of America is not a random name that they felt was in style or was intimidating toward fellow it held great meaning to that of which our government was and should be upheld today. There are 3.79 million square miles in the U.S. which allows it to have mountains, deserts, wilderness and coasts. With all of these attributes, it brings a diverse culture with the thoughts and attitudes of its region. The idea of states is to acknowledge this fact and govern accordingly. Universal is a word that I am beginning to fear based on its irrelevance to its people. The states need their power back because our government is not the people and what is a government without it's people. We need change, will there be change...probably not.

John Young said...

This was when the Shell Oil Executives were sitting in front of Congress and were talking about the price of gasoline and how the Oil Execs wanted the government to clean up some of the red tape so they could drill in new spots.

Congresswomen Maxine Waters said:
“And guess what this member* would be all about? This member would be all about socializing — er, uh. [Pauses for several moments] …. would be about … [pause] … basically … taking over, and the government running all of your companies.”

John Young said...

the twin sister of Karl Marx is here!