Thursday, July 24, 2008

Is Obama really a new kind of politician?

I thought the great part about hope and change was that it was going to help America. Maybe it stands for changes, as in changing your positions.

Now I fully understand throughout a long election season you may slightly polish and wax your positions. But, if you do happen to change your mind on a key issue you better know what color the wallpaper was in that room and what it smelled like. You better be able to describe your "come to Jesus" moment with absolute clarity.

Now on to the rodeo. At first Obama was against the FISA legislation,"I strongly oppose retroactive immunity in the FISA bill." Five months later he is all for it? "Given the legitimate threats we face, providing effective intelligence collection tools with appropriate safeguards is too important to delay. So I support the compromise, but do so with a firm pledge that as president, I will carefully monitor the program." What color was the wallpaper in that room Obama?

Second he was for public financing while campaigning against Hillary and now he is against it. I guess Obama doesn't need the money anyway. The man has raised over 250 million dollars, which is actually quite impressive (don't think if you raise 250 million you don't own someone something!) A spokesman for the RNC, Alex Conant makes an excellent point: "It is particularly troubling that on the same day Obama is breaking his promise to the American people, he is meeting with union leaders who have announced a $53 million campaign against Senator McCain," it appears Obama's rhetoric is as cheap as his promises." Is this a new kind of politician or just another politician from the well?

In 2007 Obama's campaign said “Obama believes the D.C. handgun law is constitutional,” Once the D.C. Gun Ban was lifted all the sudden he is an avid supporter of the second amendment. He said it "went beyond constitutional limits.” For someone who practiced Constitutional Law you would think he fully understands the second amendment. Maybe he missed that day of class, much like he has missed 20 years of Black Liberation Theology from Mr. Rev. Wright (I'm well aware thats cheap shot, but man does that feel good!). Ok, A.D.D. moment, could you imagine if any other presidential candidates attended a church with White Liberation Theology? People would be up in arms.

These are only three flip flops that I've presented to all you lucky children in the audience. There are plenty more in the arsenal, I just didn't want you to have your "come to jesus" moment all at once.

So when all is said and done Obama really isn't a new kind of politician. All he did was come in a pretty little package with a cute pink bow. The more people look at what is really inside the more they will tend to stray, at least I hope. That is unless they are strictly party line voters.

Much to the chagrin of people reading this, I'm not a McCain supporter (I'll rant about him some other time). He is almost as bad as Obama when it comes to flipping his positions. All I ask of our politicians is to say what you mean and mean what you say. These two clowns are terrible. Is this really the best two candidates we have to offer? God help us all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For starters I love the title of this blog. The short answer is no, he is not. I like to think that if there ever were a new kind of politician it would be one who is not one at all. The seemingly typical politician consists of someone trying to please everyone and then pleasing no one. If you have ever read the definition of a politician you will find that it is quite comical. Politician: a leader engaged in civil administration; a person active in party politics; a schemer who tries to gain advantage in an organization in sly or underhanded ways. Wow I mean that is not a title I would like to aim for. Why don't they just say "liar" it rolls off the tongue better.

Now I won't name names here but I will say there have been those who literally have ran off of honesty and good moral fiber but at the end of the day no one seems to remember their names. The good guys truly do finish last. Now on to Obama. It's hard for me to rant along with you in this area based on the fact that I feel I would have to rant about any other politician for the same reasons. I will say here is some ammunition for you guys to load into your guns...assuming we are allowed to own guns...gun control...ehhh. Obama as of June decided to support the Telecom Amnesty Bill also known as the "Spy Bill". Now for someone in favor of is this any different?