Monday, December 22, 2008

Free Market at work - Two Liberal talkers are off the air

"Liberalism's voice in South Florida just got a couple of notches softer. Nicole Sandler and Jim DeFede, two of the area's strongest progressive voices, recently disappeared from the talk radio airwaves within a day of each other. DeFede quit the largely conservative WFTL-AM (850) Aug. 21 after the station bought out the remaining 14 months of his contract. Sandler was let go from the liberal WINZ-AM (970) Aug. 22. The absence of Sandler and DeFede leaves the area with only one major local political voice – centrist Joyce Kaufman at WFTL (unless you count WQAM's Neil Rogers). Both talkers covered the national news of the day as well as topics of interest to South Floridians, from the housing crisis, Indian casinos and hurricanes to local elections and breaking crime stories. Listeners won't get the local angle from Sandler's replacement in the 6 to 9 a.m. time slot, notorious shock jock Don Imus It's a transition her loyal audience has not welcomed." This article was written by John Thomason of Forum Publishing, Sept. 11, 2008

First of all, I feel your pain on being replaced by Don Imus. The man is a walking ignorant alcoholic skeleton. We had the same happen here when Glenn Beck replaced our morning guy (Bob Frantz). The difference is people actually listen to and like Glenn Beck (3rd most popular in America). But Bob Frantz was actually rewarded and was moved to the 7pm-11pm time slot. All of this because Bob produced a good show, a loyal following as well as new advertisers. As far as local news goes, watch the television, read the paper, or listen to a different local station Mr. Thomason.

But anyway, I don't feel like there is anything to complain about here Mr. Thomason. Classic example of the free market system at work. Lets break it down piece by piece. First someone produces a good radio show, then people listen to the show, the show gains an audience as well as advertisers.

Advertisers aren't going to waste money on a show that nobody wants to listen to.With that in mind we get a taste of what it feels like at Air America.

Iraq removes uranium left over from Saddam era

This was an interesting article that I found, it was published in July 2008:

Iraq's government has removed 550 tonnes of natural uranium left over from Saddam Hussein's era and sold it to a Canadian company, government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said. The uranium, called yellowcake, had been stored in a compound at Tuwaitha, south of Baghdad, which was once the centre of Saddam's nuclear weapons program. A U.S. embassy spokeswoman confirmed the U.S. military helped safely ship the uranium out of the country.

"The Iraqi government decided to get rid of the uranium, which amounted to 550 tonnes, because of its potentially harmful affects on Iraq and the region and because it causes pollution," Dabbagh said on Iraqiya state television late on Sunday. As far as the (nuclear) proliferation threat goes, natural uranium is not of direct use in a nuclear weapon," U.S. embassy spokeswoman Leslie Phillips said.

After reading this most people probably have no idea what a "tonne" is, so I did some research. 550 tonnes is 550,000 kg or 1,200,000 lbs. The "Little Boy," the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in WWII used only 64.1 kgs. I think that pretty much paints the picture. So the questions is: why wasn't this story heard in the mainstream media? Do you think Sadaam was just going to use yellowcake for energy or destruction?

I'm not trying to justify our invasion of Iraq with this post. We have obviously made some mistakes as far as intelligence and maybe even tactical errors. But I think this information is extremely relevant. Is it any justification at all? Who am I to say, but I suppose I'm just trying to find some sort or optimistic needle in the haystack.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Dhorn & Obama Connection: Something to think about

Sidley Austin LLP, a Law firm in Chicago gave $492,445 to Obama's presidential campaign. Now in this great country you can give money to whoever you'd like to support. Thats fine.

Just remember Bernadine Dhorn, Bill Ayers wife and member of the Weather Undergound, obtained a job at this Law firm. Now who in the right mind would hire the wife of an unrepentent domestic terrorist? Not even from a politcal standpoint but a public relations standpoint as well.

This law firm is the same place that gave Mr. Obama his summer law internship. Is there a possibility that this environment entertained radical philosophies? or is this just another coincidence with another one of Obamas friends from the past. Just throwing it out in the air, catch it and throw it back if you want.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bill Richardson: likeable guy but terrible ideas

With the recent appointment of Commerce Secretary Bill Richardson I have a few a questions.

To lay the groundwork for this lets go back to Obama during the political debates.
At first Obama said anyone who make under $250,000 would see a tax cut. A month or two later in the campaign all of the sudden that number was now down to $200,000. Now keep in mind I'm well aware that Obama's platform was based on a "trickle up" rather than "trickle down" economics. If anyone tells me how you create more jobs based on trickle up economics I would love to have that debate.

Now back to Richardson, he says that,"under Obama's plan people making under$120,000 will now get a tax cut." Meaning that if you and your spouse ever make more than that, HELLO 39%. Now this is where this gets fantastic: lets say you make $120k, well guess what? now you will only bring home $73,200. Throw your annual costs onto that as well: mortgage, gas bill, electric bill, car payment and maybe even college loans. Married couples making $120,000 under George Bush saw 28% income tax (which you would see $86,400 back).

The Difference between the two, a little over $13,000. So what happens to small business owners under Obama? Can they expand and invest in their companies?
How does that bring new jobs when the small business owners get taxed to death.

We'll all have to sit back and watch where the Obama administration finally draws the line. Just something to think about. If any of this proves true, then the American dream dies at $120,000.

Monday, September 29, 2008

A Palin, an average American and the good ole double standard

I'm sick and tired of this venom that has been spewed over Sarah Palin and this Troopergate Scandal. The minute that the Obama campaign and their willing accomplices smelled blood they jumped on this. Sending quote "investigative reporters" to Alaska. Palin fired a trooper who violated rules. The Trooper tazered his 12 year old son and was caught drinking beers in his car. If thats not a reason to be fired, I don't know what is. The Trooper clearly violated some rules.

Lets be fair on the Palin thing though. She took on corruption in the Republican party in Alaska, and won. How many Democrats have taken on corruption in their party? And yes her daughter is pregnant, so she made a mistake and is choosing to have the baby. "Punished with a baby" like Obama puts it . Holding her responsible for her daughters actions is like saying when I was nineteen (true story) and I wrecked my dads car drunk that somehow my dad can be held responsible for that, while he's sleeping in bed.

Its funny how the Liberal media picks fun at her for being a PTA member, hockey mom, mayor and then Governor. She is literally just an average mom who happens to have some executive experience. And with that said you hear people saying well "she is just a hockey mom and she has kids". People act like the fact that she has kids, that it discredits her in some way from taking on tough jobs. Imagine if you told any working mom that she can't do her job just because she has kids. Those mothers would get off of work and then smash you in the face with their pots and pans. She is an average American and she can relate, thats what so many people love about her; but yet many of you want to tear her down for that. But still at the DNC convention they were so willing to paint Joe Biden as an average guy who "takes the train home from Washington D.C. every night." It's ok for Joe Biden to be and average American but not for Sarah Palin. Sounds like a double standard to me.

People speak of quote,"Palins lack of experience." Barack has no executive experience, Biden is way more experienced than Barack in any subject. Remember what Biden said about Obama, " I don't think the presidency lends itself to on the job training." People talk about Palin's lack of experience. A Mayor and Governor actually run something and are held accountable. They have budgets to meet and have to make tough executive decisions. You can't just show up and vote present like Obama did for many years, you actually have to make a decision.

But if people give Palin hell for having quote "experience", why aren't they giving Obama hell because he has so much less experience. I mean come on, even Biden is more qualified than Obama to be President. Can you imagine, if you went for an interview and your resume didn't stack up with the necessary qualifications to perform your job. You probably wouldn't get a call back on that one.

And for all of you Obama/Biden supporters out there. When Obama said,"you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig," he knew exactly what he was saying and to whom he was saying it. He came out with an announcement the day after and claimed that he was being taken out of context. The funny thing is, why did his crowd start chanting "no more pitbull" after his speech. Obama knew exactly what he was saying and who he was talking to. He was speaking to his new comrades. He is a liar and a typical politician, even though he is painted like some new kind of politician.

Obviously, as any of you Liberal elite English majors can tell, I'm not exactly an English teacher. I speak pretty simple because I come from a simple life, and I'm damn proud of that. I might have tons of run on sentences, but I don't care. I'm not a scholar, but I am a thinker.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Yet to hear a cogent argument from Obama supporters

Ok, there is no doubt that George Bush has screwed some things up. The Iraq situation is finally beginning to calm down, so lets start slowly pulling our troops brigade by brigade. I'm sure people on both sides of the political spectrum could agree with that.

When I speak with people who are supporting Obama I find that they are upset about Iraq, which is understandable. They think that John McCain will be Bush number two and will keep us in Iraq for another 100 years. Maybe he will be, I don't know. But once the conversation gets off the Iraq issue I have found that people don't know anything about his policies or past stances that he has changed within a 6 month period.

All I hear is that he is so fresh, brings new perspectives, he is young and vibrant, great public speaker (only when he's on a teleprompter). That all sounds great, and in most high schools those characteristics could easily get you elected to student council.

It is simple, the man has no substance and clearly neither do a majority of his supporters.
Many of them can't even tell you their favorite stance that Obama takes on issues (besides the Iraq War). Oh but, "he will get the rest of the world to like us again," I don't know how many times I've heard that.

What should it matter that the rest of the world likes us? Should we care if were not liked by Hamas, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Kim Jung Ill or Ahmadinejad. I personally have no problem being hated by Dictators who silence free speech/press and support/fund terrorist activities.

Benito Mussolini was loved by many Americans and politicians, the Nazi press loved FDR's New Deal in the 1930's. Obama has gained support from the terrorist group Hamas and has been hailed by many European/Asian political figures. Even President Ahmadinejad of Iran supports Obama. Does that scare anyone?

Open up your eyes America, or things will CHANGE. History will once again repeat itself.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Senator McCain not much better than Obama

I hear my father and grandfather talk about Ronald Reagan. They remind what conservatism used to be and I heard plenty about it growing up. It was when the party actually stood for fiscal responsibility, limited government and lower taxes. For now the party has seemed to be hijacked by Moderate Republicans (a.k.a. George Bush) and of course "the maverick" John McCain. The man who was once thinking about switching parties around the same time he was being considered as a V.P. for John Kerry.

McCain's resume is enormous and Obama's can fit on a posted note. But McCain has been drinking the Kool-Aid in Washington for far too long. McCain has been famous for being a "Maverick" by going across isle with the Democrats on many issues. Compromising his policies right along with his principles.

McCain is a perfect example of a Republican gone wrong. Exhibit A: The McCain-Kennedy bill which was essentially a gateway to citizenship for 12 million illegal aliens. Now don't get me wrong, there needs to be something done about this immigration fiasco. Lets secure our borders and build that fence, then we can talk about the illegal immigrants. Another provision in this bill was the ever spectacular DREAM Act, which would create a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrant minors going college and return the right to the states to decide eligibility for in-state tuition. We're going to give illegal immigrants in-state tuition? Shouldn't you have to be a legal resident to receive in-state tuition? OK A.D.D moment: what is with this politically correct word "undocumented" anyway? Undocumented to me is a guy who leaves for work without his wallet. Much to my surprise, McCain is now against the bill that he co-sponsored.

One of McCain's other missteps was being against the Bush tax cuts. If your running for the Republican nomination you better be for any tax cuts. As we all know the Senator has now reversed his stance on that topic. Ironically it was around the time he was campaigning for President. Hmmm? thats weird.

Lately, he has been running an ad campaign on television claiming he,"sounded the alarm on Global Warming." Considering most of it is junk science anyway. You can't exactly rally the Republican base by agreeing with Al Gorebal Warming. I mean of course that planet has warmed in the past one hundred years. To be exact its been almost one degree (actually 0.7) Fahrenheit warmer. Its was global cooling in the 70's and now it's global warming from the 90's on. I find it funny how people push theories as facts. I don't even want to explain this one but just google McCain-Lieberman Climate Change Act.

Thirdly, the McCain-Feingold Bill. Now I can agree with part of this plan with ban of soft money and many other campaign finance issues that needed to be reformed. Many people missed the other part of this bill. This bill also gets rid of issue ads, by defining as them as "electioneering communications" broadcast ads that name a federal candidate within 30 days of a primary or caucus or 60 days of a general election, and prohibiting any such ad paid for by a corporation (including non-profit issue organizations) or paid for by an unincorporated entity using any corporate or union funds. Now I don't care what side of the isle your on but did anyone just feel the first amendment being silenced a bit. That means Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Union or Environmental Groups and any other non-profit groups on either side are essentially silenced of their right to speak freely about any candidates. Even the people that I completely disagree with still deserve for their voices to be heard.

This guy is as much of a clown, if not bigger than Obama. In the famous song by the Clash,"Should I stay or should I go." You should GO John! Get the hell out of the Republican Party and stop holding hands with the donkeys.