I'm sick and tired of this venom that has been spewed over Sarah Palin and this Troopergate Scandal. The minute that the Obama campaign and their willing accomplices smelled blood they jumped on this. Sending quote "investigative reporters" to Alaska. Palin fired a trooper who violated rules. The Trooper tazered his 12 year old son and was caught drinking beers in his car. If thats not a reason to be fired, I don't know what is. The Trooper clearly violated some rules.
Lets be fair on the Palin thing though. She took on corruption in the Republican party in Alaska, and won. How many Democrats have taken on corruption in their party? And yes her daughter is pregnant, so she made a mistake and is choosing to have the baby. "Punished with a baby" like Obama puts it . Holding her responsible for her daughters actions is like saying when I was nineteen (true story) and I wrecked my dads car drunk that somehow my dad can be held responsible for that, while he's sleeping in bed.
Its funny how the Liberal media picks fun at her for being a PTA member, hockey mom, mayor and then Governor. She is literally just an average mom who happens to have some executive experience. And with that said you hear people saying well "she is just a hockey mom and she has kids". People act like the fact that she has kids, that it discredits her in some way from taking on tough jobs. Imagine if you told any working mom that she can't do her job just because she has kids. Those mothers would get off of work and then smash you in the face with their pots and pans. She is an average American and she can relate, thats what so many people love about her; but yet many of you want to tear her down for that. But still at the DNC convention they were so willing to paint Joe Biden as an average guy who "takes the train home from Washington D.C. every night." It's ok for Joe Biden to be and average American but not for Sarah Palin. Sounds like a double standard to me.
People speak of quote,"Palins lack of experience." Barack has no executive experience, Biden is way more experienced than Barack in any subject. Remember what Biden said about Obama, " I don't think the presidency lends itself to on the job training." People talk about Palin's lack of experience. A Mayor and Governor actually run something and are held accountable. They have budgets to meet and have to make tough executive decisions. You can't just show up and vote present like Obama did for many years, you actually have to make a decision.
But if people give Palin hell for having quote "experience", why aren't they giving Obama hell because he has so much less experience. I mean come on, even Biden is more qualified than Obama to be President. Can you imagine, if you went for an interview and your resume didn't stack up with the necessary qualifications to perform your job. You probably wouldn't get a call back on that one.
And for all of you Obama/Biden supporters out there. When Obama said,"you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig," he knew exactly what he was saying and to whom he was saying it. He came out with an announcement the day after and claimed that he was being taken out of context. The funny thing is, why did his crowd start chanting "no more pitbull" after his speech. Obama knew exactly what he was saying and who he was talking to. He was speaking to his new comrades. He is a liar and a typical politician, even though he is painted like some new kind of politician.
Obviously, as any of you Liberal elite English majors can tell, I'm not exactly an English teacher. I speak pretty simple because I come from a simple life, and I'm damn proud of that. I might have tons of run on sentences, but I don't care. I'm not a scholar, but I am a thinker.
Monday, September 29, 2008
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Thanks John, I always love what you have to say.
problem is we don't want joe the plumber running the country- that's why we have so many problems, i want someone smarter, and better than me, i WANT rhodes scholars, i WANT people who can read, write, speak well; i don't need an average soccer mom calling the shots. her (soccer mom)job is taking care of her family- working at a law office as a secretary and being a mom is different from being a breath away from leading the free world- and the implications are that if she can't maintain control over her family to uphold the morals she and her party continuously pound over everybody's head and battle for about family, sex before marriage, and the (im)morality of such (lets not forget it's the repubs who took the money out of the stimulus for condoms an birth control to planned parenthood b/c hey it makes sense: why eliminate the risk of having a ton of lower class people reproduce when we can uphold our "morals" and then u rail against the welfare system b/c we have to take care of these babies u force people to have)- double standards man BOLOGNA!!!! i want the best of the best in my leaders, average americans are idiotic, watch jay walking on leno- Plato (I'm pretty sure it was Plato, could've been Bacon or some shit but whatever) discussed philosopher scientists running his idea of a utopian state, i'm tired of idiots being rewarded in this political environment SHE SUCKS JOHN!!! When you don't know that Africa is a continent not a country and can't tell the difference b/w Canadian comedian/pranksters and the prez of France then you are vastly underqualified I don't care how many rinky dink villages you were mayor of.
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