Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Senator McCain not much better than Obama

I hear my father and grandfather talk about Ronald Reagan. They remind what conservatism used to be and I heard plenty about it growing up. It was when the party actually stood for fiscal responsibility, limited government and lower taxes. For now the party has seemed to be hijacked by Moderate Republicans (a.k.a. George Bush) and of course "the maverick" John McCain. The man who was once thinking about switching parties around the same time he was being considered as a V.P. for John Kerry.

McCain's resume is enormous and Obama's can fit on a posted note. But McCain has been drinking the Kool-Aid in Washington for far too long. McCain has been famous for being a "Maverick" by going across isle with the Democrats on many issues. Compromising his policies right along with his principles.

McCain is a perfect example of a Republican gone wrong. Exhibit A: The McCain-Kennedy bill which was essentially a gateway to citizenship for 12 million illegal aliens. Now don't get me wrong, there needs to be something done about this immigration fiasco. Lets secure our borders and build that fence, then we can talk about the illegal immigrants. Another provision in this bill was the ever spectacular DREAM Act, which would create a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrant minors going college and return the right to the states to decide eligibility for in-state tuition. We're going to give illegal immigrants in-state tuition? Shouldn't you have to be a legal resident to receive in-state tuition? OK A.D.D moment: what is with this politically correct word "undocumented" anyway? Undocumented to me is a guy who leaves for work without his wallet. Much to my surprise, McCain is now against the bill that he co-sponsored.

One of McCain's other missteps was being against the Bush tax cuts. If your running for the Republican nomination you better be for any tax cuts. As we all know the Senator has now reversed his stance on that topic. Ironically it was around the time he was campaigning for President. Hmmm? thats weird.

Lately, he has been running an ad campaign on television claiming he,"sounded the alarm on Global Warming." Considering most of it is junk science anyway. You can't exactly rally the Republican base by agreeing with Al Gorebal Warming. I mean of course that planet has warmed in the past one hundred years. To be exact its been almost one degree (actually 0.7) Fahrenheit warmer. Its was global cooling in the 70's and now it's global warming from the 90's on. I find it funny how people push theories as facts. I don't even want to explain this one but just google McCain-Lieberman Climate Change Act.

Thirdly, the McCain-Feingold Bill. Now I can agree with part of this plan with ban of soft money and many other campaign finance issues that needed to be reformed. Many people missed the other part of this bill. This bill also gets rid of issue ads, by defining as them as "electioneering communications" broadcast ads that name a federal candidate within 30 days of a primary or caucus or 60 days of a general election, and prohibiting any such ad paid for by a corporation (including non-profit issue organizations) or paid for by an unincorporated entity using any corporate or union funds. Now I don't care what side of the isle your on but did anyone just feel the first amendment being silenced a bit. That means Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Union or Environmental Groups and any other non-profit groups on either side are essentially silenced of their right to speak freely about any candidates. Even the people that I completely disagree with still deserve for their voices to be heard.

This guy is as much of a clown, if not bigger than Obama. In the famous song by the Clash,"Should I stay or should I go." You should GO John! Get the hell out of the Republican Party and stop holding hands with the donkeys.

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